11 March 1983 Posted on March 10, 2020 by Staff Bob Hawke is appointed Prime Minister of Australia. [rdp-wiki-embed url=’https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Hawke’] Famous Words of Inspiration..."Four years ago, some said the world had grown calm, and many assumed that the United States was invulnerable to danger. That thought might have been comforting; it was also false. Like other generations of Americans, we soon discovered that history had great and unexpected duties in store for us." Dick Cheney — Click here for more from Dick Cheney Related posts: 16 March 1976 19 December 1967 11 March 2006 16 September 1975 26 September 1983 8 March 1983 23 March 1983 25 October 1983 18 April 1983 26 September 1983