13 March 1996 Posted on March 13, 2016 by Staff Sixteen school children and one teacher are killed in Dunblane, Scotland by Thomas Hamilton who then commits suicide. Famous Words of Inspiration..."We should enact an 'e' tax. Government agents would roam the country looking for stores whose names contained any word that ended in an unnecessary 'e,' such as 'shoppe' or 'olde,' and the owners of these stores would be taxed at a flat rate of $50,000 per year per 'e.' We should also consider an additional $50,000 'ye' tax, so that the owner of a store called 'Ye Olde Shoppe' would have to fork over $150,000 a year. In extreme cases, such as 'Ye Olde Barne Shoppe,' the owner would simply be taken outside and shot." Dave Barry — Click here for more from Dave Barry Related posts: 13 March 1996 13 March 1996 18 March 1996 25 March 1996 11 May 1996 11 May 1996 11 May 1996 17 July 1996 26 December 1996 21 November 1996